BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About Web Access > Understanding the shortcut menus > Folder shortcut menu details

Folder shortcut menu details

The Folder shortcut menu contains commands for working with all of the documents in a folder. It is only visible when a folder is selected in the Explorer view. Right-click a folder to display the Folder shortcut menu.

The following table briefly describes each command on the Folder shortcut menu. Refer to topics elsewhere in this guide for details.

Folder shortcut menu commands
Command Description


New Folder

Creates a subfolder in the current folder. For more information, see Creating a folder.

<Folder Types>

Any system administrator-defined folder types that can be created at the selected folder level are listed here. For more information, see Creating a folder.

<Project Definitions>

Any system administrator-defined project definitions that can be created at the selected folder level are listed here. For more information, see Creating a new project folder.

Add Document

Adds a new document in the current folder. The document can be created from a template residing in the vault or from a file you select to upload. For more information, see Uploading documents and Creating documents.

Add Multiple Documents*

Displays a dialog that can be used to upload multiple documents to the current folder in one operation. For more information, see Uploading documents and Creating documents.

Build report

Displays a page listing report definitions from which to select and build a report file. For more information, see Building a report.


Rename Folder

Renames the current folder.

Delete Folder

Renames the current folder.


Displays the folder’s property pages for editing.



Displays the Find dialog. For more information, see Understanding Find Documents.

Find in this folder

Displays the Find Documents dialog with which you can search for documents within the selected folder. For more information, see Understanding Find Documents.

Global Search

Displays the Global Search page. For more information, see Understanding Global Search.


Create Collection

Creates a new empty collection.

<Public Collections>

Selecting a saved search displays its search criteria for editing and execution. For more information, see Configuring a dynamic collection.

<Custom Commands>

Any system administrator–defined custom commands that operate on a folder are listed here.


Downloads the content files for all documents residing in the selected folder.


Uploads new content files to replace the content of all documents residing in the selected folder. For more information, see Uploading documents.


Downloads the content files for all documents residing in the selected folder and lock the documents in the vault. For more information, see Locking and unlocking documents.


Uploads new content files to replace the content of all documents residing in the selected folder and unlock the documents in the vault. For more information, see Locking and unlocking documents.


<Workflow Transitions>

The names of valid workflow transitions for the current status of all documents residing in the current folder are listed here. The names vary depending on the workflows assigned to the document type. For more information, see Working with document workflows.



Opens the Preferences page where you can configure various options. For more information, see Setting personal preferences.

Log Off

Logs off the current user and releases a license. For more information, see Logging off.

* The Enable Meridian Web Client option must be enabled on the Preferences page for these commands.

Note    The commands in this menu are context sensitive, meaning their availability depends on the current workflow state of the selected document.

Related concepts

About Web Access

Understanding the shortcut menus

About read only Web Access

Related tasks

Opening a vault

Navigating to a document

Finding documents

Creating a folder

Creating documents

Downloading documents

Uploading documents

Working with document workflows

Building a report

Working with work areas

Working with references

Working with hybrid documents

Setting personal preferences

Sending document shortcuts from Web Access

Logging off

Related information

Document shortcut menu details

Selection shortcut menu details

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